Site Traffic Management Specialist – Universal (STMS-U)
The STMS Universal course is intended to provide a base knowledge for those wanting to move on to a first time Site Traffic Management Supervisor role. It is assessed through US 31961.
Who is it for ?
The STMS Universal course is intended to provide a base knowledge for people wanting to become:
- STMS – The person who will be supervising the setup, change and removal of a worksite to a predetermined plan
- Traffic Operations Manager
- TTM Mentor, TTM Assessor or TTM Trainer
- TTM Planner, TTM Auditor, TTM Coordinator or Corridor Manager
Any there any prerequisites ?
Two days.
What does it teach you to do ?
Health and safety and work processes relevant to the role and knowledge of undertaking the STMS role and responsibilities. To achieve, you will be able to demonstrate understanding of and competence in the following for both day and night conditions:
- Lead and give direction to their crew and visitors
- Understand and interpret the Traffic Management Plan (TMP)
- Understand and relate the principles of TMP implementation to a live worksite
- Understand contingency plans
- Have the ability to identify and manage risk (ie, determine what the risk is, it’s potential severity and likelihood, and how to manage and mitigate possible outcomes).
- When to postpone, cancel or delay operations it hazards are not sufficiently mitigated, according to the TMP
Apply content from CoPTTM which is common to various road environments (Category A, B and C)
Upcoming courses
STMS-U | Napier
The Duke of Gloucester, Napier
The Universal STMS course is intended to provide a base knowledge for those wanting to move on to a ...
STMS-U | Porirua
Porirua Club, Porirua
The Universal STMS course is intended to provide a base knowledge for those wanting to move on to a ...
STMS-U | Palmerston North
Shadzz Motel & Conference Centre
The Universal STMS course is intended to provide a base knowledge for those wanting to move on to a ...