Temporary Traffic Management Training – Northland | Te Tai Tokerau

Northland has a wide and remote network of roads, many often very lightly travelled. Traffic tends to include significant transport operators, often hauling heavy loads. This is especially so to and from the Port of Whangarei.

Given the remote and often very narrow roads in the region, awareness of road works must necessarily be high. Approximately 26% of Northland’s reported State Highway injury crashes occur in the Autumn months.

Temporary Traffic Management can often occur in unexpected places, and care must be taken by travellers and road workers alike.

Workers at all of these worksites must ensure their staff retain valid, up-to-date Traffic Management Operative (TMO) or Site Traffic Management Specialist (STMS) warrants, to implement and manage their worksites.

NGTC have also been offering specialist training for Kerbside Collection Traffic Leaders (KCTLs), and this training is shortly to be revised.

Book online today with NGTC to ensure your Northland crews will be compliant – and safe –
on the many roadworks sites around the region.

To contact us with a specific enquiry, or to book some training with NGTC 2018 Ltd click here.



Kaitaia | Locations | NGTC 2018 Ltd


Whangarei | Locations | NGTC 2018 Ltd