Temporary Traffic Management Training – Otago | Ōtākou

When the going gets tough, the tough get going, so the saying goes! And some days you’ve got to be really tough to provide the maintenance support for the Otago region’s roading infrastructure.

While population-wise, the region doesn’t match the larger regions, it makes up for it with diversity of weather, topography and road usage.

While winter conditions require grit and sweeping activities, summer heat melts the surfaces and creates dangerous, slippery surfaces. Crews deal with these extremes continuously, and in some of the remotest parts of the region a quiet road doesn’t necessarily mean a safe road! A key element of safety is having work crews up to speed with the necessary Temporary Traffic Management qualifications.

Recent changes to the qualifications mean that you may not be certain what or how to proceed with. Don’t risk non-compliance – give us a call because NGTC’s refresher courses are perfect for those seeking to recertify prior to the expiry of their current warrant.

While our experienced trainers can soon bring new or less experienced crews up to the required standards, so book online for your next course.

You can contact us with a specific enquiry, or just to find out about “what’s next for me”.



Oamaru | Locations | NGTC


Dunedin | Locations | NGTC


Queenstown | Locations | NGTC