Temporary Traffic Management Training – Auckland | Tāmaki Makaurau
Roadworks seem to be one constant in the City of Sails! Huge improvements continue to be made in the vast area that is Auckland, and as we’re all aware, this comes with the associated disruptions, delays, but ultimately improved transit options.
While the city rail link project continues, disruptions are gradually reducing in the inner city. Upgrades and extensions across the remainder of Greater Auckland continue to occur, and its hard to see an end to it any time soon.
With the very high volumes of traffic, Auckland Transport are vigilant in how road works are undertaken, and of course the skills of the workers and the quality of their worksites.
Here at NGTC, we continue to provide the very best of training opportunities for our Auckland clients to ensure compliance with CoPTTM Best Practice, taking into account the new Waka Kotahi NZTA Training and Competency model.
Any staff – worksite crew, consultants, engineers, support workers, and regulators – must retain valid, up-to-date Traffic Management Operative (TMO) or Site Traffic Management Specialist (STMS) warrants, in order to be complaint and safe in this very busy roading environment.
NGTC train many new and refresh existing workers of Kerbside Collection Traffic Leaders (KCTLs), so they can continue the often forgotten but essential work of managing the waste and refuse collections. Most local Road Controlling Authorities (RCAs) require that Team Leaders of these crew be KCTL certified, with others being to TMO and/or STMS levels.
Book online today with NGTC 2018 Ltd to certify your Auckland based staff, or renew an existing certification through our refresher course.
To contact us with a specific enquiry, or to book some training with NGTC 2018 Ltd now for either refresher or new TTM training, click here.